


  1. de Castro PA, Dos Reis TF, Dolan SK, Manfiolli AO, Brown NA, Jones GW, Doyle S, Riaño-Pachón DM, Squina FM, Caldana C, Singh A, Del Poeta M, Hagiwara D, Silva-Rocha R, Goldman GH: The Aspergillus fumigatus SchASCH9 kinase modulates SakAHOG1 MAP kinase activity and it is essential for virulence. Mol Microbiol 102(4): 642-671, 2016.[PubMed]
  2. Hagiwara D, Watanabe A, Kamei K: Sensitisation of an Azole-Resistant Aspergillus fumigatus Strain containing the Cyp51A-Related Mutation by Deleting the SrbA Gene. Sci Rep 6: 38833, 2016.[PubMed]
  3. Kohno S, Tamura K, Niki Y, Izumikawa K, Oka S, Ogawa K, Kadota J, Kamei K, Kanda Y, Kiuchi T, Shibuya K, Takakura S, Takata T, Takesue Y, Teruya K, Tokimatsu I, Fukuda T, Maesaki S, Makimura K, Mikamo H, Mitsutake K, Miyazaki Y, Mori M, Yasuoka A, Yano K, Yamanaka N, Yoshida M: Executive Summary of Japanese Domestic Guidelines for Management of Deep-seated Mycosis 2014. Med Mycol J 57(4): E117-E163, 2016.[PubMed]
  4. Fujita T, Ikari J, Watanabe A, Tatsumi K: Clinical characteristics of pulmonary nocardiosis in immunocompetent patients. J Infect Chemother 22(11): 738-743, 2016.[PubMed]
  5. Hagiwara D, Watanabe A, Kamei K, Goldman GH: Epidemiological and Genomic Landscape of Azole Resistance Mechanisms in Aspergillus Fungi. Front Microbial 7: 1382, 2016.
  6. Reichert-Lima F, Busso-Lopes AF, Lyra L, Peron IH, Taguchi H, Mikami Y, Kamei K, Moretti ML, Schreiber AZ: Evaluation of antifungal combination against Cryptococcus spp. Mycoses 59(9): 583-93, 2016.[PubMed]
  7. De Oliveira Bruder-Nascimento AC, Dos Reis TF, de Castro PA, Hori JI, Bom VL, de Assis LJ, Ramalho LN, Rocha MC, Malavazi I, Brown NA, Valiante V, Brakhage AA, Hagiwara D, Goldman GH: Mitogen activated protein kinases SakAHOG1 and MpkC collaborate for Aspergillus fumigatus virulence. Mol Microbial 100(5): 841-59, 2016.[PubMed]
  8. Uesono Y, Toh-E A, Kikuchi Y, Araki T, Hachiya T, Watanabe CK, Noguchi K, Terashima I: Local Anesthetics and Antipsychotic Phenothiazines Interact Nonspecifically with Membranes and Inhibit Hexose Transporters in Yeast. Genetics 202(3): 997-1012, 2016.[PubMed]
  9. Hagiwara D, Takahashi H, Kusuya Y, Kawamoto S, Kamei K, Gonoi T: Comparative transcriptome analysis revealing dormant conidia and germination associated genes in Aspergillus species: an essential role for AtfA in conidial dormancy. BMC Genomics 17(1): 358, 2016.[PubMed]
  10. Kunitake E, Hagiwara D, Miyamoto K, Kanamaru K, Kimura M, Kobayashi T: Regulation of genes encoding cellulolytic enzymes by Pal-PacC signaling in Aspergillus nidulans. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 100(8): 3621-35, 2016.[PubMed]
  11. Muraosa Y, Toyotome T, Yahiro M, Watanabe A, Shikanai-Yasuda MA, Kamei K: Detection of Histoplasma capsulatum from clinical specimens by cycling probe-based real-time PCR and nested real-time PCR. Med Mycol 54(4): 433-8, 2016.[PubMed]
  12. Kusuya Y, Sakai K, Kamei K, Takahashi H, Yaguchi T: Draft Genome Sequence of the Pathogenic Filamentous Fungus Aspergillus lentulus IFM 54703T. Genome Announc 4(1): pii: e01568-15, 2016.[PubMed]
  13. Toyotome T, Takahashi H, Kamei K: MEIS3 is repressed in A549 lung epithelial cells by deoxynivalenol and the repression contributes to the deleterious effect. J Toxicol Sci 41(1): 25-31, 2016.[PubMed]


  1. Nakao M, Muramatsu H, Takahashi T, Niwa S, Kagawa Y, Kurokawa R, Sone K, Uozumi Y, Ohkusu M, Kamei K, Koga H: Cryptococcus gattii Genotype VGIIa Infection in an Immunocompetent Japanese Patient: A Case Report and Mini-review. Intern Med 55(20): 3021-3024, 2016.[PubMed]
  2. 勝野正子,石川秀幸,佐々木哲雄,野澤昭典,亀井克彦:Sporothrix globosa による高齢男性の手指背に生じた固定型スポロトリコーシスの1例.皮膚科の臨床 58(5): 679-682, 2016.
  3. Nanno S, Nakane T, Okamura H, Nishimoto M, Koh H, Nakamae H, Ohsawa M, Yarita K, Kamei K, Hino M: Disseminated Hormographiella aspergillata infection with involvement of the lung, brain, and small intestine following allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: case report and literature review. Transpl Infect Dis 18(4): 611-6, 2016.[PubMed]
  4. Hagiwara D, Takahashi H, Fujimoto M, Sugawara M, Misawa Y, Gonoi T, Itoyama S, Watanabe A, Kamei K: Multi-azole resistant Aspergillus fumigatus harboring Cyp51A TR46/Y121F/T289A isolated in Japan. J Infect Chemother 22(8): 577-9, 2016.[PubMed]
  5. Watanabe M, Hayama K, Fujita H, Yagoshi M, Yarita K, Kamei K, Terui T: A Case of Sporotrichosis Caused by Sporothrix globosa in Japan. Ann Dermatol 28(2): 251-2, 2016.[PubMed]
  6. 田子さやか[浅畑],平井由児,相野田祐介,藤田崇宏,村長保憲,亀井克彦,若山恵,渋谷和俊,菊池賢:メキシコ渡航中に感染したと推定される肺ヒストプラスマ症の男性と配偶者への対応.感染症誌 90(1): 83-87, 2016.[PubMed]
  7. Ishiwada N, Takeshita K, Yaguchi T, Nagasawa K, Takeuchi N, Hishiki H, Watanabe A, Kamei K, Shimojo N: The first case of invasive mixed-mold infections due to Emericella nidulans var. echinulata and Rasamsonia piperina in a patient with chronic granulomatous disease. Mycopathologia 181(3-4): 305-9, 2016.[PubMed]



  1. 渡辺哲,萩原大祐,亀井克彦:薬剤耐性真菌.血液フロンティア 26(12): 1659-1664, 2016.
  2. 渡辺哲:侵襲性フザリウム症.検査と技術 44(12): 1198-1199, 2016.
  3. 亀井克彦,渡辺哲:輸入呼吸器感染症の動向.呼吸器内科 30(3): 235-240,2016.
  4. 渡辺哲,亀井克彦:β-D-グルカン.化学療法の領域 32(10): 1850-1854,2016.
  5. 渡辺哲,亀井克彦:感染対策の弱点克服! レベルアップのための特別講義 感染対策担当者が知っておくべき真菌感染症と感染対策.INFECTION CINTROL 25(9): 892-896, 2016.
  6. 渡辺哲,亀井克彦:アスペルギルスの隠蔽種 ー診断と治療状の注意点ー.化学療法の領域 32(7): 1337-1342, 2016.
  7. 亀井克彦,渡辺哲:輸入真菌症の病態と治療 ー海外渡航時の注意点と日常臨床で見逃さないコツー.化学療法の領域 32(7): 1369-1376, 2016.
  8. 渡辺哲:今月の表紙 食道カンジダ症.検査と技術 44(6): 502-3, 2016.
  9. 亀井克彦,渡辺哲:深在性真菌症診断・治療の進歩.呼吸器内科 29(4): 306-312,2016.
  10. 渡辺哲,亀井克彦:呼吸器真菌感染症.Respiratory Medical Research 4(2): 24-28, 2016.
  11. 渡辺哲,亀井克彦:肺アスペルギルス症:診断と治療のupdate.Mebio 特集:呼吸器感染症update 2016 33(4): 78-85,2016.
  12. 亀井克彦:抗真菌薬の分類.臨床と微生物 43(1): 11-19, 2016.
  13. 渡辺哲,亀井克彦:輸入真菌症.臨床と微生物 43(1): 72-78,2016.
  14. 亀井克彦,渡辺哲:コクシジオイデス症.「別冊日本臨床 新領域別症候群シリーズ No.35 免疫症候群(第2版)ーその他の免疫疾患を含めてー II VI.続発性免疫不全症候群ー各疾患・病態にみられる免疫異常ー感染症にみられる免疫異常 後天性免疫不全症候群(acquired immunodeficiency syndrome:AIDS)AIDS指標疾患 感染症」,p.606-609,2016.
  15. 渡辺哲:今月の表紙 慢性肺コクシジオイデス症.検査と技術 44(1): 82-83, 2016.
  16. Hagiwara D, Sakamoto K, Abe K, Gomi K: Review: Signaling pathways for stress responses and adaptation in Aspergillus species: stress biology in the post-genomic era. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem 48(9): 1667-80, 2016.


  1. 渡辺哲,亀井克彦:Q59 病院内で真菌が原因となったアウトブレイク事例はありますか.ここが知りたい 院内感染対策 Q&A,p.158-159,編集:前﨑繁文,光武耕太郎,中山書店,2016.5.10発行.
  2. 渡辺哲:第4章 COPDの治療 COPDに対する肺炎球菌ワクチンは有効ですか?,Q&AでよくわかるCOPD 概念・診断・治療・管理まで,p.201-202,監修:巽浩一郎,編集:多田裕司,株式会社メジカルビュー社,2016.3.1発行.
  3. 渡辺哲:5呼吸器疾患 肺真菌症. 今日の治療指針 私はこうしている 2016年版〔ポケット判〕. p.333-334,総編集:福井次矢,高木誠,小室一成,監修:山口徹,北原光夫,医学書院,2016.1.1発行.
  4. 亀井克彦:抗真菌薬.「Pocket Drugs 2016」.監修:福井次矢,編集:小松康宏,渡邉裕司,p.694−695,医学書院,2016.1.1発行.